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Concept chorégraphique et idéation. Recherche chorégraphique sur les rôles et fonctions dans l’écosystème de la création et de la production incluant l’espace du spectateur. Un nous sans patchwork collectif. 

Laurence Dufour, Dave St-Pierre, Jamie Wright : artistes en danse, création et performance
Sophie Michaud : dramaturge, création et performance
Paul Chambers (itération 1) : concepteur lumières, création et performance
Robin Pineda Gould : vidéaste, son
Magalie Babin : Son, performance

Partenaires : Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec
Résidences : Baryshnikov Arts Center (2015) UQAM (2014) Segal Center for Performing Arts (2013)
Diffusion : ITÉRATION 1 - Segal Center for Performing Arts (2013) ITÉRATION 2 - Danse Danse/Arsenal Montréal (2016)


« When I first saw Gravel’s work (in an evening at Danspace Project curated by Jenn Joy and Noémie Solomon in 2013) I was struck by that sense of conviction in her solo Ma mère est un mâle alpha. The title immediately grabbed its audience with an assertion that needs no translation and Gravel didn’t let that attention go for one moment. (...) For a recent studio showing in Studio 4B, Gravel positioned the audience in single chairs scattered throughout the studio with different facings. I was aware of my focus shifting between Gravel and her fellow performer, Laurence Dufour. My other choice as an audience member was to gaze at the mirrored wall where I could see both of the performers, my fellow audience, and myself. I had other choices available to me, of course, that I didn’t take: I could have scooted my chair around, for instance, or walked to a new chair, or left the studio altogether. I began to wonder if what Gravel is most interested in is the choices that we don’t make—the invisible constraints constantly acting on all of us. »

BAC Story by Lydia Bell, 9 avril 2015

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© Caroline Gravel 2023

Danse, performance, art contemporain

Montréal (QC) Canada

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